Friday, June 15, 2007

Music and Film

I've had a cold now for what seems like for ever, hopefully I'm coming out the other end now and getting better.

I did my second half of the MBTI qualifying course on Monday and Tuesday and got 7 out of 8 on both dichotomies in my feed back (RESULT!). I am waiting on the results of my written exam to find out if I can call myself a qualified psychometrist and tell people that they are crazy.

The past 2 days I have been trying to find a song to accompany the brand launch of OPP's new branding and I have narrowed it down to 4 choices. One by Queen, one by the Automatic, one by the Libertines and one by The Kaiser Chiefs. The Queen one fits best with the brand image but it is a bit cheesy, the Kaisers one has a very tenuous link with the branding but everyone seems to like the song, the Libertines one has a better message but is a bit messy in the recording and I think the Automatic one is a bit heavy and the message is a bit negative. Cool job but ruddy hard to do.

Today I am camera man for this 16PF expert that has come across from the states to give a presentation to key members of the business. We are doing the presentation next month too but the guy is going to have gone home by then, hence the reason for the video.

Taking my dad for his father's day present tomorrow, quite looking forward to it, I would tell you what it is but it's a surprise and you never know who may read this.


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